Category: After Death, Then What?
After Death, Then What?
What happens when man dies? Logically, there are three permutations: he is gone, he goes back, or he goes away. […]
- God’s Plan For Man
- Which Church Jesus Built?
- Believe In Jesus – Why? What Does It Mean?
- Baptism – Why? What Is It?
- Receive The Holy Spirit – Why? What Is The Sign?
- Footwashing – What Is It? Why Do It?
- Lord’s Supper – Why? What Constitute It?
- Sabbath – Why? When Is It? How To Keep It?
- Repentance And Righteousness – Why? What Do They Mean?
- Good Works – Why? How?
- Accomplishment Of God’s Plan For Man
- After Death, Then What?
- What The Bible Says About Festivals
- Why Believe In Jesus?
- Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?
- You Can Be Happy
- Should Christians Celebrate Easter And Good Friday?
- Should Christians Celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day?
- Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?
Misunderstood Bible Passages
- Do John 3.16, Romans 10:9-10, Ephesians 2.8 and other verses say that eternal life or salvation is through faith and so baptism is unnecessary?
- Do Romans 3.28, Galatians 2.16, Titus 3.5 and Ephesians 2.8-10 say that works do not save, and so baptism does not save?
- Does 1 Corinthians 12.3 teach that anyone who can say that Jesus is Lord has received the Holy Spirit?
- Does 1 Corinthians 13.8-12 say that speaking in tongues ceases when the perfect comes and the perfect which is the Bible has come?
- Does 1 Corinthians 16.1-3 suggest that the apostolic church observed Sunday?
- Does Acts 2.38 mean that one is baptised because he already has the forgiveness of sins?
- Does Acts 20.7 say that the apostolic church observed Sunday?
- Does Exodus 31:16 say that the Sabbath is for the Jews only?
- Does John 10.27-28 say that salvation cannot be lost?
- Does Luke 23:43 show that baptism is unnecessary because the thief on the cross was saved without it?
- Does Matthew 3:17 show that one receives the Holy Spirit upon baptism?
- Does Philippians 1:6 say that salvation cannot be lost?
- Does Romans 14.5-6 say that the Sabbath can be on any day?
- Does Romans 4.1-12 say that baptism is unnecessary because one is justified when he believes?
- Does the question “Do all speak in tongues?” in 1 Corinthians 12.28-30 mean that speaking in tongues is not the sign of receiving the Holy Spirit but merely one of the many gifts of the Holy Spirit?
- In Acts 2:5-11 was the speaking in tongues speaking in human languages?
- In John 13:1-17 did Jesus prescribe mutual footwashing?
- In John 13:1-17 was Jesus dramatizing an object lesson on humility or other virtues?
- In John 13:1-17 was Jesus practising a Jewish custom?
- In Luke 22:16-20 was the drink Jesus blessed wine because grapes had not ripened at that time and the preservation of grape juice was unknown then?